How to report an issue with an app

Publication Date: January 19, 2023

Think you've found a bug? Here are a few things you can do to help us fix it as quickly as possible.

Share your Mac specs and an app version with us what you use

Some issues are specific to particular Mac models and an app versions, so we need this information to make it easier for us to find out what's causing an issue.

How to learn Mac specs.

Send us a sample the file what you open with an app

To fix an issue, we almost always need to reproduce it. For that reason, it really helps if you can send us the file in which you're seeing a particular issue.

Tell us about your workflow

If you're not sure of the exact steps to reproduce a bug, just let us know what tools or features you're using and how you typically use them. If you're able to consistently reproduce the issue, you can also make a screen recording of it.

Find and share a crash report

If an app quits unexpectedly, a crash report will be created automatically. These reports can provide us with valuable information about what caused them. The ButeforDEV doesn't collect data from your Mac automatically, so if you'd like us to take a look at any crash reports, files, or images, you should send them to us directly. Learn how to find crash report.